What's the Condition of Your Hair and Scalp?

Your hair is your crown, and if you are suffering from thinning hair, itchy, flaky scalp, hair loss, and other hair and scalp conditions you may not feel as good as you should about the way others see you. In reality, the solution to many hair problems lies in conditions at the scalp and follicular level.

Whatever condition your hair and scalp are in, today, many great treatment options are available. If you have concerns about your hair and scalp health or notice your hair is changing or thinning, book an appointment with your Advanced Dermatology hair and scalp specialists to learn about the most advanced options available to help you enjoy fuller, shinier healthier hair.

We lose hair naturally, every day, but don’t usually notice it because the body generally replaces hair at the rate at which it’s lost. There are many other types of hair loss, however, both on the scalp and the body, which may be temporary or permanent.

Hair loss can occur at any age, in males and females, and can have many different causes including underlying medical conditions. If you’re concerned about hair loss or see unusual hair loss in your child, contact your dermatologist who can diagnose and treat the conditions that lead to this problem.

We have a wide variety of restoring treatments ranging from prescription products. Dermarlloers, Mesotherapy, and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy.